How To Gather $1 Billion Using NLP: A Case Study

Graduate Case Study: Self-Employed Executive Coach

A CEO of a major investment consortium was having difficulty closing a, number of deals with a combined value of more than $1Billion. He, advised that at critical times he lacked of self-confidence at critical, decision points and he sensed that the deals weren’t optimised for all, parties. In the end he felt as though he was under performing and letting, his investors down and that this was costing him and his investors, millions but just how much he really couldn’t quantify.

I was engaged as an Executive Coach with the primary outcome to, identify and deliver a solution that allowed him “feel confident at all, times and deliver outstanding value”.

During our first session we were able to identify that the client:

  1. Held a limiting belief about his ability as a CEO
  2. Was failing to follow his intuition or gut instinct in decision, making and contract negotiation
  3. Was neglecting to fully immerse himself into his critical, stakeholders shoes to uncover their core needs

Using a range of New Code NLP techniques, learnt through my time with, Inspiritive, the client and I:

  1. Reviewed and removed his limiting belief and created a new, highly supportive belief that constantly reinforced his position as a, powerful, precise and considered C-Level executive.
  2. Developed his intuition through understanding its role and testing, trust in a series of contexts with increasing importance.
  3. Role played significant negotiations with him in other, stakeholders shoes and me in his shoes (being guided by him), allowing him to uncover critical insights into how he can change, his behaviour to influence others.

These initial outcomes were achieved in just two sessions and he advised, that, “I’ve just experienced the highest performing month of my career. I, am getting calls from people asking me what has happened and to keep it, up!”. He outlined that he was able to optimise 3 investments and increase their value by millions, receiving praise from all parties involved. We, continued to work together for 3 months until we moved to separate cities.

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Learn more about NLP, read our Ultimate Compendium of NLP

* The executive coach referred to in this success story has completed the 10970NAT Graduate Certificate NLP at Inspiritive. To learn more about this qualification and how you too, can obtain it click on the Learn More button below.

Australian Qualifications Framework          A nationally accredited training for communication, leadership and personal management

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