Unit 5 – NLPADV801 Apply advanced processes of NLP to personal and organisational change

This unit describes the knowledge and skills you can use to develop and apply advanced change processes and information gathering techniques. you will, be invited to discover the NLP patterns underpinning these processes and to revisit the concept that NLP is a discipline and that its applications are products of the body of knowledge.

Unit 6 – NLPMOD801 Perform NLP modelling to capture expertise

This unit describes the knowledge and skills to observe and match a live model, observe a modelling session and learn how to incorporate specific tools for eliciting the unconscious elements of expertise in order to elicit and replicate the talent of an expert in the field of your choice.

Unit 7 – NLPADV801 Design advanced NLP patterns

This unit describes the knowledge and skills to track advanced patterns in people’s speech and behaviour and to distinguish between process and content so they can respond to the patterns with directed interventions in conversation. It enables you to deconstruct change processes to identify and discover the underlying patterns in them. You will gain practical skills in constructing and improvising working interventions using patterns in combination.

Unit 8 – NLPOPT801 Optimise personal and professional effectiveness

This unit describes the knowledge and skills to use, compare and contrast different emotional states and so provide them with a package of practical interventions to aid in mapping, upgrading and streamlining the personality. In this unit there will be opportunities to engage all the skills and processes offered in this program and to apply them in a variety of combinations to effect change.


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